I am passionate about teaching, dancing, acting and making a difference in the world. I have learned from my past, and with my acquired wisdom about relationships, love, and my demisexual solo-polyamorous self-partnered self, I hope to inspire the future. The Before Sunrise Trilogy are my favorite movies, and I tend to reference them quite a bit in my writings too.

I change and inspire the world as an actress, writer, teacher and visionary artist. Commedia dell'arte theater, renaissance dance, writing, and philosophy and art are some of my main interests.

I love Star Wars, The Twilight Zone and Black Mirror, and anthology science fiction and horror.

I strive make the most out of my limited existence with each passing day. My life, and the people in it, are amazing! Welcome to my world <3.

Medium member since June 2018
Friend of Medium since December 2023
Connect with Amanda Pakutz
Amanda Pakutz

Amanda Pakutz

Friend of Medium

I am passionate about teaching, dancing, and making a difference in the world. Enjoy my philosophical and entertaining musings!